Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Winter is Coming....

Hey everybody,

Been a fairly productive last couple of days. i sent off  PULL! and ThePale One to apple to try and get those bad boys approved. hopefully i'll know with in the next few days if those make it or not. i've got to admit the process to submit an app to apple is a bit of a pain. downloading certificates and using Keylogs and all kinds of crazy steps. compared to Android Apple is a HUGE pain in the butt! 
Oh well its all done with (for now). Next I'm on to a new game project. don't have a whole lot to announce on it at the moment other than this new Facebook banner!

This week i'll be starting a developers diary blog that me and my good buddy David will be updating as we progress through the development of this new game! we'll be giving you guys updates on the game progress as well as insights into how we are making this particular game. theres a chance we might do a couple "Making Of " videos that we will release towards the launch day, but we haven't really made up our minds yet on that part.

as always thanks so much for all your continued support! i'll be back soon with some more updates and hopefully a few more tidbits about our next Project!

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