Monday, February 17, 2014

Samwise we are barely out of Hobbiton...

So this last week has been pretty eventful. i uploaded my game to the Amazon store so i can hit that Kindle-Fire-Owners-Who-Are-Looking-For-A-Skeet-Shooting-Game market. i'm confident that its a PRETTY big market...surely?

Also I created a free version of Pull and slapped that bad boy up on the Google Play Store.
Available Here!!! ) I'm sure that second bit sounds easy BUT it was actually more difficult than it sounds. Being as its a free game i decided to add in some advertisements. After a bit of online window shopping a decided to go with ChartBoost.  Basically how it works is after a player finishes a skeet shooting level an ad will pop up for a free game. if the player clicks the ad i make  4 big ones!!! (by big ones I of course mean pennies...) if someone then installs the app from the add i make 50 big ones!!!(Yes, still talking in pennies here) which doesn't really seem like much and honestly its not, But if someone downloads at least 2 free apps that pop up in the free version I make what I would for the paid and it doesn't cost them anything. Win Win if you ask me.  I'll let you guys know how the whole Chartboost,  free game with ads thing works out  me.

Then i did some much needed App icon upgrading.
Original Icon

Updated Icon

Updated Free Icon
Its not a massive improvement but I feel like it gives the icon a little bit more life, which hopefully will lead to more interested parties.. 

I've got big plans for this week so hopefully next monday(or sooner!) I'll have some big news to announce.  Anyway Guys and Gals I'm going to hop of here and get back to work! Thanks for stopping by and for all of your continued support!

Monday, February 10, 2014

This might take a while.....

Hello random internet dwellers!

Being as this is my first post on my very first blog, ( A momentous occasion I'm sure you'll agree) i felt i should give you all some of my Developer backstory. 

My name is Michael Kolb, i own my own indie game design company called Winter Stories Studio, LLC. my goal in life is pretty simple, i just want the american dream. you know the one I'm talking about. The one where i'm filthy rich and the only exercise i get is when i go swimming in my giant vault filled with money all scrooge McDuck style.

  I published my very first game on July 13, 2013 to a little site called Kongregate. it's called " The Pale One" and it launched to some amazing reviews. Trolovtricky was quoted "nicev game" while kilspeed111  raved "all i gets a white screen." still all in all 3.3 stars is not to bad for a first game. and did I mention the MONEY!!!! Since "The Pale One" launched I have made over $0.75 from ad revenue!!! I know right?! Here I come 1%!!!

so not exactly a " i should quit my day job" success, but you bet your life when they mail me that 75 cent check I'm taking that bad boy to the bank with a smile on my face...

More recently i launched my second game onto the Google Play Store. This one is called "Pull! Skeet Shooting"  its a pretty simple tap to shoot game with unlockable levels and targets. 

Right now I'm proud to announce it's sitting at a 5 star rating!!! 
Right now I'm slightly less proud but feel morally inclined to tell you  its only sold 4 copies and the only two reviews are from my girl friend and my best friend. 

Looks like this might take a while...