Hey Guys and Gal!
Sorry for the delay in updates! its been a pretty busy few weeks for me, unfortunately not a crazy productive few weeks as far as game development goes. i did finally manage to make it up to the city to attend the Oklahoma Game Developers meeting. which was a blast. if you live in Oklahoma and you are into game development at all you should try and make one of their meetings. i believe they have them the last thursday of every month.
one of the cool things about this meeting was it was held in the Digital Tutors building. which if you don't know what digital tutors is you are missing out my friend. they do really great video tutorials on everything from adobe photoshop, maya, ads max, After Effects even Unity 3D. incredibly helpful tutorials on that site so you should check it out if you get some time. all the guys who work there turned out to be really friendly and oddly enough most of them are from Oklahoma, which if your like me you wouldn't really assume the good ol OK state would have a large computer modeling, graphic design community but hey, at least we'd be wrong together!
the real reason i haven't gotten to much done so far as game development progress is i've stumbled onto an issue I'm having trouble resolving. basically I'm working on a game for mobile that uses two joysticks to control a First Person player. the issue I'm running into is that while the joysticks placement is correct on my testing tablet(a Nexus 7) when i play it on my phone the joysticks are oversized and i can only see one on the screen. i believe i know whats causing the issue, its a resolution problem. the joystick knows its 100 X 100 Pixels but on my phone with a much lower resolution 100 pixels take up more screen real-estate . same with the offset for the second joystick it thinks it needs to be 1000 pixels in (an example i don't remember the exact pixel inset off the top of my head.) but while 1000 pixels works great for a tablet it doesn't work so well for a phone.
i had a similar issue with the UI ( User Interface) my GUI's wouldn't scale based on screen size. now i figured this issue out. basically i figured out the resolution i was testing the screen on because it was the perfect sized, i then did a quick bit of code that found out what the screen size was for the device you are currently using then made the GUI's take up the same percent of the screen that they did on the test screen.( i can supply a more detailed explanation if anyone is interested. send me a comment below) unfortunately this doesn't apply to well to the joysticks. HOPEFULLY i'll have some good news next week on this front. anyway friends family and both my fans thanks for stopping in for an update. i'll talk to you all real soon.
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